Tag ArchivesFor the word: US
Why The Brits Dislike Trump (Intensely)

Fake News King
Someone on Quora recently asked: “Why do some British people not like Donald Trump?“
Granted, the question is blindingly obvious to an increasing number of us (even some Americans) but few of us are capable of properly articulating our feelings and position.
One Brit however, knew exactly how to answer and his reply is the stuff of legends!

Sandhill Crane: Nebraska’s Majestic Migration
Something is happening in Nebraska on the Platte River, that is heralded as one of the greatest natural spectacles in the US.
Every year around Valentine’s day, culminating in March and on through to April, hundreds of thousands of Sandhill Cranes congregate on the Platte River (South Central Nebraska), forming huge flocks and using the sandbars as a nighttime roost.

RIP: Harry Morgan
Sad news today about the passing of actor Harry Morgan.
Like actors such as Denholm Elliot and Brian Dennehy, Morgan never seemed to land that elusive starring role, but that didn’t matter. His talents as a character actor were always impressive and he often stole the limelight.
I remember Harry Morgan best from shows such as Dragnet and made-for-tv movies such as Support your local sheriff.

Discworld casting session
It’s been a rather hectic couple of weeks. Long hours, late nights and leftovers. So it was nice to chill out this afternoon with some fresh pasta salad and watch The Colour of Magic on DVD.
In combining the two books: “The Colour of Magic” and “The Light Fantastic” into a single production, emerging British media company the Mob has come up with another winner.

Last of the Liberal Lions
News today that the last of the Kennedy brothers, Teddy Kennedy has died after a long battle with a brain tumour.
Despite living in the shadows of his more famous martyred siblings John and Robert for much of his life (and with the ghost of his brother Joseph who was killed in WWII – Teddy was the only one of the four brothers to die of natural causes), Teddy Kennedy was a highly influential figure in US politics for decades.

Obama is only human
Today’s news story about President Obama admitting that he “screwed up” over his handling of a controversy that led two politicians to decline posts in his administration, is – I think – a welcome breath of fresh air.
One of the things that politics has increasingly suffered from in recent years (and this is particularly true of US politics) is an ever-growing tendency by Joe public to view the top dogs as infallible. If they make any kind of mistake (even comparatively small and relatively honest ones), they get crucified by the press.
This tends to create an environment where politicians do one or more of the following, whenever they “screw up”:-

US Election: a ray of hope
The US election results announced today are a significant milestone in many respects.
Beyond the obvious landmarks such as Barrack Obama’s ethnic background and the strong shift in voting trends from Republican to Democrat, today’s events herald a resurgence in many of the fundamental ideals and beliefs that the US has purported for many years, but has failed to live up to. Concepts such as freedom and liberty have throughout most of the post-war years been subverted by a series of administrations for the purposes of US hegemony, to the detriment of people the world over.