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Cyclone Gabrielle – Preparation Lessons Learned

Wikipedia: Cyclone Gabrielle (opens in new tab/window)

2023 has been a tough year weather-wise.

January saw record-breaking rainfall across much of the North Island of New Zealand, with more than 260mm of rain falling on south and west Auckland in just 24 hours. In the far north, wind-speeds of up to 140kph were recorded. Four people were killed in flash floods and landslides and hundred of homes were destroyed.

But that was just the start…

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Where I find My Heaven

Bandanna Club Photo Gallery (opens in new tab/window)

Orchard life is fairly tough most of the time.

Day after day, I struggle to keep up with everything that nature throws in our direction. Spring is often unsettled and the risk of damage to new shoots in the vines is high; an entire years work can be destroyed in just a few minutes from a brief shower of hailstones or a few hours of high winds.

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Why The Brits Dislike Trump (Intensely)

Worst President EVER!

Fake News King

Someone on Quora recently asked: “Why do some British people not like Donald Trump?

Granted, the question is blindingly obvious to an increasing number of us (even some Americans) but few of us are capable of properly articulating our feelings and position.

One Brit however, knew exactly how to answer and his reply is the stuff of legends!

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Origins of the Haka

Haka Warrior: Creative Commons (opens in new tab/window)

Last nights RWC quarter-final between New Zealand and Ireland was a match to remember, with some class rugby played by both sides.

It was also a timely reminder to non-AB fans around the world:

DON’T mess with the Haka! razz

It just pisses off the All-Blacks and THAT motivates them like nothing else.

The natural response for teams (and fans) facing the psychological power of the Haka performance, is sometimes to attempt to shout it down, which is what happened last night, when Irish fans – in a spirited and united chorus – drowned out the Haka performance by the All-Blacks, with a rendition of “Fields of Athenry”.

…and that was a BIG mistake!

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Obituary for Common Sense

An Obituary printed in the London Times..

Today we mourn the passing of a beloved old friend, Common Sense, who has been with us for many years.

No one knows for sure how old he was, since his birth records were long ago lost in bureaucratic red tape. He will be remembered as having cultivated such valuable lessons as:

  • Knowing when to come in out of the rain;
  • Why the early bird gets the worm;
  • Life isn’t always fair;
  • And maybe it was my fault.

Common Sense lived by simple, sound financial policies (don’t spend more than you can earn) and reliable strategies (adults, not children, are in charge).
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Fidel Castro: Iconic Revolutionary; Island Tyrant

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Facts of Life

Laughing Owl

A few words of wisdom…

  • “If people could read my mind, I’d get punched in the face a lot”
  • “The fact that there is a HIGHWAY to hell and a STAIRWAY to heaven, says a lot about anticipated traffic volumes”
  • “My people skills are fine.  It’s just my tolerance to idiots that needs work”
  • “I’m only responsible for what I SAY; not for what you UNDERSTAND”
  • “So…when is this ‘old enough to know better’ supposed to kick in?”
  • “Have you ever listened to someone and thought: who ties your shoelaces for you?”
  • “Be careful when you follow the masses…sometimes the ‘M’ is silent”
  • Don’t confuse my PERSONALITY with my ATTITUDE…
    my personality is WHO I am
    my attitude depends on who YOU are”
  • “I NEVER argue.  I just explain why I am right”
  • “I speak my mind, because it hurts to bit my tongue all the time”
  • “Sometimes I sit quietly and wonder why I’m not in a lunatic asylum.
    Then I take a look around and realize…maybe I already AM”
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