Struggle & Toil
Winter Slumber
While vines slumber in the winter sun
Unaware of footsteps along the rows
of the grower tending canes along the run
between the days where the rainfall flows
The Meaning of Life
Can’t believe it’s taken me so long to figure this out. Guess I’m just a slow learner…
If there is one thing the world really needs that is still within our power to give as individuals, it’s more kindness.
Be kind to those around you. Be open and generous, not just of your material resources but of yourself in whatever way you can and whatever way is needed.
Large or small kindness makes no difference, for the will and intention is the same and each act you perform will increase – in a tiny way – the overall happiness of your own life and the lives of those with whom you connect.
There will always be some who mistake kindness for weakness, but this should not deter you as they are still few and the kind are still many, despite what those in power would have us believe. To surrender that aspect of your character is to forsake a huge part of who you are and will only serve to hand a victory to the ruthless and the self-centered of this world. Be kind despite of them and know that victory is yours.
Live, laugh, love, listen, look, think, learn, care, touch, feel, taste, sing, dance and play to find your happiness, and share with others when you can to find joy. No-one finds lasting happiness or joy in the pure pursuit of status, power, wealth or possessions, not because we cannot obtain these things, but because we are doomed not to want them, once we have them.
Far beyond the doctrines of religious belief or social convention, the happiness and joy you help create is the true measure of the value of your life and is found in those small moments of integrity, passion and empathy which – little by little – help lay the foundations for a more enlightened and better world.
I have never found a greater meaning of life than this.
An Irish view on the Global Recession
This is by far the most accurate, frank and honest appraisal of the Global recession you are ever likely to see
…gotta love the Irish!
Memo to self…
Came across this great 7-point life philosophy during a web search for something entirely different.
Sometimes I really love the holes in the matrix.
…must try and pay more attention to this stuff
7 Life Suggestions (with minor amendments)
- Make peace with your past so it doesn’t spoil your present.
- What others think of you is none of your business.
- Time heals almost everything…if you give Time, some time.
- No-one is the reason for your happiness except YOU.
- Don’t compare your life journey with others; you have no idea what THEIR journey is about.
- It’s all right not to always know all the answers – just don’t stop looking for them.
- Smile. You don’t own all the problems in the world.
So long…and thanks
Well, my time at the NPIA in Bramshill is now over. It was a very busy 9 months working at my favourite client site and I got a lot done, but as always time caught up with me.
I will miss the terrific team that I was part of, the fantastic site I was lucky enough to work at on and off for over 4 years, the fab meals and the challenging work.
Like any contract, it had it’s down sides on occasion, but on the whole I feel pretty lucky to have worked there.
Ah well – that’s enough looking back – time to look down the road.
So long folks – and thanks for all the fish.
A year in Bramshill
In the last few weeks, life has been crazy busy, especially in relation to work; both the work I’m currently doing and the volume of work being offered to me.
I recently pontificated about this to a degree, but since then I’ve received two offers of RedDot work, both based in London and paying a rate that makes me salivate even now.
And I turned them both down.