Tag ArchivesFor the word: uk
Two good men pass
Not a great start to the new year. First the news of Pete Postlethwaite, then the news today of the passing of Gerry Rafferty earlier today.

15 Years Young

Fifteen years ago today, I headed out to the sunny climes of Malta in the late summer, with three new friends. It was a trip that marked the beginning of an incredible bond of friendship, which is celebrated throughout the Bandanna Club website.
For me, it was a life-changing time.
It had been a tough year. My younger brother had recently passed away and his birthday which had occurred a few days earlier, was still a sharp and painful memory.

Meet the new boss…
Well the UK 2010 election is now over…and at least it’s been an entertaining one.
As usual, the British version of “organisation” (known everywhere else as a “cluster-f*ck”) swung into play, with scores of people prevented from voting for a range of reasons including lost or insufficient ballot papers, lack of staff, resources etc.

So long…and thanks
Well, my time at the NPIA in Bramshill is now over. It was a very busy 9 months working at my favourite client site and I got a lot done, but as always time caught up with me.
I will miss the terrific team that I was part of, the fantastic site I was lucky enough to work at on and off for over 4 years, the fab meals and the challenging work.
Like any contract, it had it’s down sides on occasion, but on the whole I feel pretty lucky to have worked there.
Ah well – that’s enough looking back – time to look down the road.
So long folks – and thanks for all the fish.

Songs of Faith for the Devoted

The Depeche Mode gig at the O2 stadium in London on Saturday 20th February 2010 has been a long time coming.
Having bought the tickets over a year ago, the planned 30th May ’09 gig offered the usual agonizing wait, but then to find it was postponed for another 9 months was excruciating! However, the day finally arrived and not without a little anticipation – not only to see Depeche Mode again, which I have only seen live twice before, but also for the venue; the London O2 Arena I had been told is an amazing stadium and with great acoustics.

Rant: Crappy new year
What a shite few months we’ve had!
A seemingly endless list of personal problems, work issues and general winter maladies left everyone pretty tired and depressed by the time Christmas rolled around and we were looking forward to some quiet time to recharge the batteries and get ourselves back on a more even keel.
Unfortunately it wasn’t to be.

Discworld casting session
It’s been a rather hectic couple of weeks. Long hours, late nights and leftovers. So it was nice to chill out this afternoon with some fresh pasta salad and watch The Colour of Magic on DVD.
In combining the two books: “The Colour of Magic” and “The Light Fantastic” into a single production, emerging British media company the Mob has come up with another winner.