Tag ArchivesFor the word: uk
BAE – Corruption on a giant scale
In a gobsmacking expose by the BBC’s Panorama programme last week, we glimpsed the extent of the payouts from BAE Systems plc to former Saudi ambassador to the US, Prince Bandar bin Sultin.
BAE Systems was formed from the £7.7 billion merger of British Aerospace and Marconi Electronic Systems in November 1999.
Today, we laughingly learn that BAE Systems is setting up an ethics committee.

UK Bomb Plot

Today’s news that 5 men have been convicted of a bomb plot in the UK is a real result for the work done by the security services, who in the past haven’t always got it right.
Amid a seemingly endless list of political and operational gaffs by some segments of the Home office in recent times, today’s convictions show what can be achieved with the right combination of accurate intelligence, inter-agency cooperation and assistance from a vigilant public.

Andy does the London Marathon

It’s what he’s been training for, for months and today he joined the 1000′s of others to run the London Marathon.
Nice job mate – Bloody well done!

Rant: One rule for us and another for THEM!

Heartening news on the Beeb today; Former Conservative chief whip David Maclean tried – and FAILED – to introduce a private members bill to exempt MP’s from the Freedom of Information act.
Thankfully, the bill was effectively thrown out during initial debates (many thanks to Lib Dem MP Norman Baker and a handful of MPs from all parties who managed to talk out the planned bill by making sure the debate continued for five hours, ensuring that the bill now goes to the bottom of the pile of private member’s bills.)

Rave: Summer in England

Today is the Summer Solstice – the longest day of the year. Hard to believe that the days will now start to get shorter again, but there you go…
All over the UK, the last few weeks have seen many a clear blue sky with temperatures as high as the mid 30′s (C).
At the site I currently work at in Hampshire, all the trees and flowers have burst into their full bloom. Everywhere, the whole place seems to be teaming with life and I find myself looking for excuses to get outside – just for a few minutes – at regular intervals.
Most evenings when I pull into my driveway, I catch a whiff of one of the smells of summer; freshly cut grass, BBQ lighter fluid (and later more mouthwatering smells!) etc. At times like this, I can’t think of many other places in the world that I would rather be.
Forget France – come to England!

Rant: Always the Stick – Never the Carrot!
Late last week, the new Transport Secretary Douglas Alexander announced a £10m fund for the development of nationwide road charging schemes.
A day later, London’s Mayor Ken Livingston indicated during a public debate that the London congestion charge could rise to £10 per day.

Rant: What a Charlie!
The latest home office fiasco has demonstrated why Charles Clarke is earning his nickname: “Jockstrap” (because he is full of b*llocks).
Not content with inadvertently releasing over a thousand foreign prisoners, it’s now clear that the Home Office freed 288 foreign prisoners after they became aware of the problem last summer! In all, the home office released 1023 offenders between February 1999 and March 2006. They included those guilty of serious offenses including drug dealing, rape, murder and pedophilia.