Tag ArchivesFor the word: loss
Two good men pass
Not a great start to the new year. First the news of Pete Postlethwaite, then the news today of the passing of Gerry Rafferty earlier today.

August the 20th is always a tough day. It’s the anniversary of my brother’s death and I always phone home. It’s hard to hear your mum cry from 7,000 miles away and not be able to give her a hug.

David McKenzie (1968-1994)
David was born in October 1968 with Cystic Fibrosis, a genetic disorder that affects the lungs, liver, pancreas, and intestines and of course has a major effect on virtually every aspect of it’s victim’s life. At the time, there wasn’t a lot known about this disease even by doctors and he was mis-diagnosed for the first two years of his life as suffering from colds, flu, suppressed immune system, asthma and God knows what else, before a canny GP referred my worried parents to a consulting professor at Auckland Hospital, who was delving into CF and recognized the symptoms.

Rant: Indefensible
You know it’s funny…every time I think that Sir Humprey’s snivil servants and the Whitehall worms can’t possibly screw up anything else, I read another story which illustrates even more monumental failings.
The recent reluctant admission by the Ministry of Defense, that more than 100 USB memory sticks, some containing secret information, have been lost or stolen from the Ministry of Defense since 2004, is a new low in data protection balls-ups.

RIP Jack

Was sorry to read in the news today about the death of Jack Palance.
Few actors of his caliber ever graced the silver screen – especially in the western genre and his portrayal of a long string of tough guys was difficult to match (perhaps only Lee Marvin and Clint Eastwood come close and neither was as good as Jack at playing the villain).
So long Jack – here’s hoping your last ride into the sunset will lead you to somewhere happy…