Tag ArchivesFor the word: illegal
Only in Wales…

News today that the Welsh town of Aberystwyth continues to ban Monty Python’s classic film “The life of Brian” almost 30 years after it was first released, made me laugh out loud.
According to the BBC, this came to light after Sue Jones-Davies (who played Brian’s girlfriend in the movie), became mayor of Aberystwyth and was “amazed” to find that the cult film was still barred from cinemas there.

Farewell Liberty – It was nice knowing you
No real surprise that last night the government managed to push it’s new anti-terror legislation through Parliament, albeit with the narrowest of margins.
Despite the fact that this bill is likely to be killed before it reaches the statute books (either in the house of Lords unless the government invokes the parliament act, or in the EU human rights commission, which the government can’t influence too much), I can’t help but wonder what the hell the Whitehall worms are thinking.

Rant: Phorm Storm (or when ISPs become ISPyers)

Would you consent to your phone lines being permanently bugged or all your mail (in and out) being read, so you could be sent advertising leaflets matched to the information gained on your personal interests?
Would you as a business person, allow someone onto your premises (or to bug your phone / read your email) whose ultimate aim was to collect details on how to contact your visitors and customers, in order that your direct business rivals could thus target them with their own advertising?

Rant: Database Deceivers
Over the last couple of years there has been a significant increase in the number of people who have their DNA stored in the national DNA database (NDNAD).
Most recent figures suggest that out of the 3-million or more entries, nearly a third of the entries are from people who have never been convicted, charged or even cautioned for any crime.