Tag ArchivesFor the word: basingstoke
Live Jive 2009
It was great to receive an invitation to Kev and Carrie’s annual BBQ at their farm cottage just outside Basingstoke.
Last year’s gig was unfortunately cancelled for various reasons and when I heard it was back on this year, I was chuffed.
By the time I arrived around 2pm there were already a dozen or more tents pitched in the back yard and FuZeD were just tuning up and by the time I had popped the top of a cold beer and greeted a few pals, they were off and rockin!

Greywell Stroll

Another grand day out, this time to Greywell in Hampshire which is just a short drive from Basingstoke.
For all those that believe Basingstoke is unattractive, well the surrounding countryside is spectacular. With trees dressed in their new spring green and cascading with blossom, the air was full of fluffy seeds that shimmered in the sunshine and dusted the water; giving a slightly mystical atmosphere to the afternoon.

Winter returns
This morning we woke up to the rather picturesque sight of an unexpected snowstorm on Saturday night. 4 to 5 inches of snow and not a tyre track or footprint to be seen.
See the photos.
It’s not unknown to have snow in April, but it’s been a fair few years since we had such a heavy dusting, especially after such a mild winter and with an early spring.
The view certainly beats any TV rubbish and being on a Sunday I didn’t have to drive in it (result!)
Shortly after the photos were taken, the sun peeped out between a break in the clouds and within an hour it was all slush. Never mind…