Tag ArchivesFor the word: american
Sandhill Crane: Nebraska’s Majestic Migration
Something is happening in Nebraska on the Platte River, that is heralded as one of the greatest natural spectacles in the US.
Every year around Valentine’s day, culminating in March and on through to April, hundreds of thousands of Sandhill Cranes congregate on the Platte River (South Central Nebraska), forming huge flocks and using the sandbars as a nighttime roost.

Bye Bush (a poem)

Written in the wake of this week’s visit by the evil bastard…
You started out with buying off Republican selection,
you had your cousin rig the votes in Florida’s election,
your daddy talked to his old pals, Donald, Ken and Dick,
and they agreed to help you give democracy a kick.

US Primaries – Harmless or Dangerous?
On my way into work this week, I was listening to an interview on Radio 4.
The interviewee was talking about the US primary candidate elections and was singing the praises of the US system for it’s ability to make politics “Exciting to the masses”. he even favoured the idea of a similar system in the UK, which he felt might re-engage people in the political process.
Last night I was sitting at home, watching an interesting political performance…

HMRC Database Fiasco – you couldn’t make it up!
In a recent post, I asked if Americans were truly the most stupid people on the planet.
They may well be, but when it comes to incompetence, it appears that some folks here in Britain are not far behind, at least in the “Whoops! Apocalypse” stakes.
And at least the American morons tend to do us all the dual favours of:

Are (some) Americans the most stupid people on the planet?
Posit: How can a country that has given (or made major contributions to) so many technological marvels to the world also be capable of producing morons in ever-increasing numbers and seemingly ever more stupid?
Especially when there are lots of firearms lying about the place.
Take the recent case of the 66 year old man from Washington who injured himself in both legs after attempting to loosen a stiff wheel-nut…by blasting it with his shotgun.

Hay Bubba! Get Yer Gurn Boy!
In recent times, I’ve seen quite a few “Your taking the piss” stories in the news, but today’s item about a baby in Illinois being granted a gun permit takes some beating.
Bubba Ludwig (how perfect is that!) obtained a license thanks to the efforts of his father, Howard, who purchased the license online for a mere $5. According to the news article the license even includes a picture of a toothless Bubba and a squiggle that represents his best attempt at a signature!
Jeezuz…only in America.

Rant: Selfish greedy bastards!
‘Dubya’ Bush and his 10-gallon hat brigade continue to avoid entering into serious discussions with any of the other G8 nations to agree to take action on climate change – despite the US being the single biggest source of carbon emissions in the world!
Instead, the perpetually smirking bastard believes that the issues of climate change and global warnings are best dealt with, by using what he calls “New Technologies”.