What a shite few months we’ve had!
A seemingly endless list of personal problems, work issues and general winter maladies left everyone pretty tired and depressed by the time Christmas rolled around and we were looking forward to some quiet time to recharge the batteries and get ourselves back on a more even keel.
Unfortunately it wasn’t to be.
In the lead-up to Christmas, I got caught in the first serious (at least for the UK) snowstorm of the winter on back-country roads, heaving with snow, ice and idiot drivers. An 11-mile journey took over 7 hours, but at least I made it home (I must have passed over 100 abandoned cars on this journey). Subsequent attempts to get to work and to the local hospital for a couple of appointments were also hampered by the snow, which continued throughout the Xmas break and into the 1st two weeks of the new year.
Just before Christmas, our current ISP all but died and after days of frantically trying to contact them by every means possible without success, we were forced to move all our websites to a new ISP. That pretty much sucked up all the time off we had planned. So much for any kind of break…
So here we are in 2010, hoping for a little ray of sunshine to take the edge of the blues.
…and in the absence of that I’m trying booze!

I’m gonna tweet your article, I liked it so much!
Just remember it could always be worse. My dad passed away on xmas day 2 years ago and christmas has never been the same.