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Live Jive 2009

Live Jive 2009 (Kev & Carries BBQ)

It was great to receive an invitation to Kev and Carrie’s annual BBQ at their farm cottage just outside Basingstoke.

Last year’s gig was unfortunately cancelled for various reasons and when I heard it was back on this year, I was chuffed.

By the time I arrived around 2pm there were already a dozen or more tents pitched in the back yard and FuZeD were just tuning up and by the time I had popped the top of a cold beer and greeted a few pals, they were off and rockin!

Subsequent performances by “Old Dogs, New Tricks”, FuZeD and others were excellent and included old favourites such as the Pretender’s “Brass in Pocket“, Steely Dan’s “Reelin’ in the years“, Free’s “All right now” and the Rolling Stone’s “Honky Tonk Woman” to name but a few.

As the bands played and the BBQ sizzled, a few dark clouds gathered overhead and then the rain fell…but only for about 20 minutes (long enough for us to throw a tarp over the bonfire). Then the sun came out and an hour later things were bone dry again.

Around 11pm, the amps were switched off, the bonfire was roaring and we were settled down for an unplugged set which finally wound up around 4am.

Another great gig…and thanks to Kevin and Carrie for all their hard work and effort.

Gonna miss it next year…

Video clips now available

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One Comment for: Live Jive 2009

  1. Visitor Comment # 1

    Free’s “All right now” and the Rolling Stone’s “Honky Tonk Woman” to name but a few. WoW the mention of those tracks has just taken me back, memories are flooding my mind.

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