After finishing up with my previous contract in June, I have to confess I’ve been a bit lazy. I was hoping for a long hot summer of dossing around, punctuated by a few great gigs.
Sadly neither the weather or Ticketmaster was playing ball and the summer was a bit of a washout.
Now we’re into autumn and it’s time to get another contract – and I have. But after 10 years of managing to avoid the worst aspects of the rat race with the London commute, I’m back in the race again.
I’d forgotten how exhausting the process of getting in and out of London can be, but after a few days of working out the most efficient route, locating a supplier of reasonably priced caffeine (at least reasonable by London standards) and adjusting to the reality of the rush-hour “people tide” on a packed Jubilee line, I’m starting to get the groove again.
And at least I get a terrific view of Tower bridge from my window.