Tag ArchivesFor the word: work
So long…and thanks
Well, my time at the NPIA in Bramshill is now over. It was a very busy 9 months working at my favourite client site and I got a lot done, but as always time caught up with me.
I will miss the terrific team that I was part of, the fantastic site I was lucky enough to work at on and off for over 4 years, the fab meals and the challenging work.
Like any contract, it had it’s down sides on occasion, but on the whole I feel pretty lucky to have worked there.
Ah well – that’s enough looking back – time to look down the road.
So long folks – and thanks for all the fish.

Work! Work! Work!
Jeez! The old saying about it never rains, it pours is true. Just lately, there seems to be so much that needs to be doing and proportionally little time to do it all in.
Which was why it was incredibly good to catch up with Andy, Tri and the boys for the first time in many months. Looking at their calendar, it seems that they are even busier than we are. Dunno where they find the energy…

Back in the NPIA
Well – it’s offical. I’m back at the NPIA again…and it look’s like I’ll be with them for a little while…
As always, I had to hit the ground running and already I’m looking at some tight deadlines for a couple of key website launches. Still, it’s nice to be back at the old familiar places and see the old familiar faces.