Tag ArchivesFor the word: reddot
Back in the NPIA
Well – it’s offical. I’m back at the NPIA again…and it look’s like I’ll be with them for a little while…
As always, I had to hit the ground running and already I’m looking at some tight deadlines for a couple of key website launches. Still, it’s nice to be back at the old familiar places and see the old familiar faces.

The dark art of Navigation Manager
In a slight departure from our normal style and content, and especially for my fellow RedDot CMS sufferers, I modestly offer my first white paper, submitted to Markus Giesen’s Unofficial RedDot CMS blog.
Markus has turned it into a proper article and made it available to download as well. Hope you find it useful…

Tagged: beginner, cms, content class, explained, humor, humour, navigation manager, red dot, reddot, smarttree