Tag ArchivesFor the word: quotes
Facts of Life
A few words of wisdom…
- “If people could read my mind, I’d get punched in the face a lot”
- “The fact that there is a HIGHWAY to hell and a STAIRWAY to heaven, says a lot about anticipated traffic volumes”
- “My people skills are fine. It’s just my tolerance to idiots that needs work”
- “I’m only responsible for what I SAY; not for what you UNDERSTAND”
- “So…when is this ‘old enough to know better’ supposed to kick in?”
- “Have you ever listened to someone and thought: who ties your shoelaces for you?”
- “Be careful when you follow the masses…sometimes the ‘M’ is silent”
- Don’t confuse my PERSONALITY with my ATTITUDE…
my personality is WHO I am
my attitude depends on who YOU are” - “I NEVER argue. I just explain why I am right”
- “I speak my mind, because it hurts to bit my tongue all the time”
- “Sometimes I sit quietly and wonder why I’m not in a lunatic asylum.
Then I take a look around and realize…maybe I already AM”

Tagged: comedy, facts, food for thought, funny, humour, irony, life, observation, quotes
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