Tag ArchivesFor the word: guitar
Emily Barker Bliss
Another winter is passing and on a dark and stormy night, we built a fire, poured a healthy measure of a decent fiery spirit and settled down to watch Kenneth Branagh in the first two series of Wallander.
While I found the series itself interesting and entertaining, by the time I had watched just a couple of episodes, I was much more intrigued by the theme tune; a haunting folk arrangement which even reduced to only a few bars for the opening credits, made every hair on the back of my neck stand up straight.

An early Christmas present to myself
I’ve been thinking about buying a collapsible guitar that is suitable for stuffing in a large suitcase for some time now. After looking at what was available and chatting with a few enthusiasts of various models, I settled on the Yamaha SLG100S.
Collapsible guitars are suprisingly hard to get hold of; I looked at buying one from an online retailer, but couldn’t find a supplier that either a) was based outside the UK but willing to deliver to a UK address or b) was based in the UK, had one in stock, with a decent reputation and was able to deliver one in a reasonable time frame.

Busker Boy makes 70 quid an hour
Fantastic clip on the Beeb’s website today of 13-year old Calvin Prior, who is minting it in as a busker, playing his electric guitar on Brighton’s seafront…and making an average of £70 an hour.
And when you see the video, you can see why!

Rave! Andy McKee – Guitar Genius!
…nuff said.