Tag ArchivesFor the word: environment
Anyone who knows me will tell you that in general I couldn’t care less about the Olympics.
While I can appreciate the commitment and self sacrifice that individual participants make in order to be the best they can be (and if at all possible, the best in the world), I loathe the inevitable dirty politics, shady dealings and backhanders that are now so interwoven into the whole spectacle, that they’ve actually become part of the fabric.
When was the last time we had an Olympic games not marred by drugs scandals, huge cost over-runs, civil right clamp-downs, forced relocations or environmental issues?

Hmmm – that sounds familiar

Nice to see bonnie Prince Charlie talking about protecting the rainforest from ever-increasing deforestation.
Most importantly, Charles is talking about the introduction of a rainforest tax, paid by wealthy countries to countries such as Brazil, in exchange for not continuing with the unrestricted chop-slash-and-burn approach.
Just over a year ago, we suggested the same thing
Looks like we are still ahead of our time ;)