Tag ArchivesFor the word: database
DNA Database Ruling: A Victory for Liberty

Yesterday’s news about the DNA database was most welcome to those of us concerned about the growing infringement of civil liberties here in the UK.
In one of the most decisive rulings to ever come out of the European Court of Human Rights’ (a unanimous ruling by 17 judges), the current policy of the Home Office to store DNA data of over 800,000 innocent citizens has effectively been shown to be what it is; a breach of civil liberties, which cannot be reasonably tolerated in a democratic society.

Rant: Big Brother lives

An interesting article on the Beeb’s website in which Ministers have played down reports that compulsory ID cards for all Britons are to be scrapped has filled me with hope.
In politics there is a kind of “reverse spin” that seems to be applied whenever MP’s are looking for a way to back out of bad legislation proposals without losing too much face. One of the ways they do this is to insist that plans are proceeding or (the real giveaway) start to “play down” reports of whatever. See the words “play down” and in most cases you can be assured that the legislation being proposed is doomed.

Rant: Database Deceivers
Over the last couple of years there has been a significant increase in the number of people who have their DNA stored in the national DNA database (NDNAD).
Most recent figures suggest that out of the 3-million or more entries, nearly a third of the entries are from people who have never been convicted, charged or even cautioned for any crime.