Tag ArchivesFor the word: contract
Back in the NPIA
Well – it’s offical. I’m back at the NPIA again…and it look’s like I’ll be with them for a little while…
As always, I had to hit the ground running and already I’m looking at some tight deadlines for a couple of key website launches. Still, it’s nice to be back at the old familiar places and see the old familiar faces.

Farewell UCB
Another contract completed and it’s time to move on again. I’ll miss the team and the interesting work but not the pre-dawn commute to beat the traffic.
Feels a bit weird to be largely unemployed again…the last 2-3 contracts have been largely back-to-back and have all been pretty busy, so I’ve not had a lot of time to focus on other things. It’s going to take a couple of days to get into another groove.
Ah well, on we go…