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If they have their way all your web browsing history will be collected and sold to the highest bidder.

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Technology at it's most pointless


Tomorrow is the 99th ANZAC day – the national day of remembrance in Australia and New Zealand.

Founded following the WWI Gallipoli campaign in which 2,721 New Zealand soldiers lost their lives, ANZAC day has long been a day of solemn memory of the ultimate sacrifice made by so many, in all subsequent wars.

In recent years we have seen the general scope of ANZAC day widen to also acknowledge and commemorate the many who worked in roles that were more ancillary, but no less important (and in some cases nearly as dangerous) as the troops on the front lines. They have included resistance members, medical staff and the workers on the home front. But the story of the conscientious objectors has been conspicuously absent from the ANZAC day of remembrance…until now.

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So much for granted

The news that Afghanistan voters have turned out in huge numbers today…in spite of Threats by the Taliban…is testament to the will of a hardy and courageous people.

After decades of armed conflict going back far beyond the cold war Soviet invasion and the subsequent succession of Afghanistan wars up to the present day, the Afghan people have lived under the yolk of virtually every form of tyranny yet devised. With the very-real Taliban threats to disrupt the election (in recent weeks insurgents stepped up shootings and bombings in the heart of Kabul), the population at large could be forgiven if – as some feared – they had chosen to stay at home.

Instead, they turned out in droves!

People stood in long polling station queues for hours, many in poor weather conditions. The biggest problem proved to be a severe shortage of ballot papers. The Independent Election Commission ordered voting to be extended by an hour, with ballot papers being dispatched where they were needed.

Could you get anyone here (or in any developed country) to stand in a polling station queue for more than about 20 minutes? Let alone in the pouring rain or as ground zero for a suicide bomber.

We don’t know how lucky we are.

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New Year Resolution

Came across this on recently…

I hope that in this year to come, you make mistakes.

Because if you are making mistakes, then you are making new things, trying new things, learning, living, pushing yourself, changing yourself, changing your world. You’re doing things you’ve never done before, and more importantly, you’re Doing Something.

So that’s my wish for you, and all of us, and my wish for myself. Make New Mistakes. Make glorious, amazing mistakes. Make mistakes nobody’s ever made before. Don’t freeze, don’t stop, don’t worry that it isn’t good enough, or it isn’t perfect, whatever it is: art, or love, or work or family or life.

Whatever it is you’re scared of doing, Do it.

Make your mistakes, next year and forever.
Neil Gaiman

…gave me pause for thought.

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A dream come true

Excellent story in yesterday’s Metro – a kiwi bloke with a great set of mates got the surprise of his life…when he returned home and discovered that in his absence, his mates had plumbed his house, replacing the water supply…with beer!

A 7-minute YouTube video posted by “LittleJohnnyNZ” is what I call a practical joke wink

Kegs of the amber nectar were rolled into position under the house and plumbed into all the water taps. The network even including a cooling system to keep the pints at the perfect temperature. The pranksters also placed a series of hidden cameras throughout the house, which they connected to a series of monitors they had set up in the garage.

The stunned look on the victim’s face when he dons overalls and looks under the house is priceless. When he returns to the front of his house, he’s met by his cheering pals out front. In true kiwi style, the victim simply said:

“Party at mine boys”

lol2 Excellent! lol3

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An Irish view on the Global Recession

This is by far the most accurate, frank and honest appraisal of the Global recession you are ever likely to see

…gotta love the Irish!

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Now THAT’S what I call advertising

The Rijksmuseum Holland recently came up with this interesting twist on the current Flash Mob trend, to draw attention to their re-opening after 10 years. The video was produced by JWT Amsterdam and sponsored by ING.

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Idiot Sightings

A friend of mine sent me the following recently. What can you say but … weep for the PRESENT (especially in St Albans!)

Idiot Sighting 1

My daughter and I went to the McDonald’s check-out to pay our bill and I gave the clerk a £5 note. Our total bill was £4.20, so I also handed her a 20 pence piece.

She said, ‘You gave me too much money.’

I said, ‘Yes I know, but this way you can just give me £1 back.’

She sighed and went to get the Manager who asked me to repeat my request. I did so, and he handed me back the 20 pence and said ‘We’re sorry but we do not do that kind of thing.’ and then proceeded to give me back 80 pence in change.
Do not confuse the clerks at McDonald’s in St Albans , Hertfordshire!

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