Just lately, I’ve stumbled across some great quotes and I thought it was worth jotting a few of them down here (my memory is not what it used to be )
In no particular order:-
"I came into this world, kicking, screaming and covered in someone else’s blood…and I have NO problem going out the same way"
“Not to get technical, but according to chemistry, alcohol is a SOLUTION”
“My chemistry teacher at school asked my class to write a 1000 words on acid. Unfortunately I was unable to complete it because my pen turned ino a gorilla and melted.”
“They told me to use the brain that God gave me. So I did. Now I’m an atheist. Now THAT’s ironic.”
“I think a man with a helmet defending his country should make more money than a man with a helmet defending a football”
“Saying Sorry does not always mean you are wrong. Sometimes it means you value your relationship more than your ego.”
“If you think that horses can’t count, put three carrots in your pocket and only give the horse two.”