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Yearly Archives: 2009

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Discworld casting session

Terry Prachett's Colour of Magic

It’s been a rather hectic couple of weeks. Long hours, late nights and leftovers. So it was nice to chill out this afternoon with some fresh pasta salad and watch The Colour of Magic on DVD.

In combining the two books: “The Colour of Magic” and “The Light Fantastic” into a single production, emerging British media company the Mob has come up with another winner.

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The Vimes theory of boots

Motor Patrol Boots

I am not one of nature’s shoppers. True, I tend to pop into town around once a week, but it’s mostly to pick up some single essential item, do some banking, get something repaired or swing by a bakery.

I’ve had the same watch for fifteen years and the same mobile phone for five. I don’t own an iPlod, Blackberry or any other similar hand-held gadget. I drive a 14-year old Ford and my TV is still a clanky old tube-job with a roughly square screen. I do confess a weakness for cheap second-hand books, CDs and DVDs in good condition (which makes me popular in the charity shops) and sometimes, I’ll pop into Waterstones to see what’s on offer, but that’s about it.

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A year in Bramshill

In the last few weeks, life has been crazy busy, especially in relation to work; both the work I’m currently doing and the volume of work being offered to me.

I recently pontificated about this to a degree, but since then I’ve received two offers of RedDot work, both based in London and paying a rate that makes me salivate even now.

And I turned them both down.

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Living Rainforest photos

Living Rainforest photo gallery

Somethimes a picture really is worth 1000 words, so here is a short photo gallery of shots from our recent visit to the Living Rainforest, near Hampstead Norreys in Berkshire.


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Happy Birthday Bruv

I miss you cry

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Work! Work! Work!

Work Time

Jeez! The old saying about it never rains, it pours is true. Just lately, there seems to be so much that needs to be doing and proportionally little time to do it all in.

Which was why it was incredibly good to catch up with Andy, Tri and the boys for the first time in many months. Looking at their calendar, it seems that they are even busier than we are. Dunno where they find the energy…

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Last of the Liberal Lions

Teddy Kennedy (Jan 2009)

News today that the last of the Kennedy brothers, Teddy Kennedy has died after a long battle with a brain tumour.

Despite living in the shadows of his more famous martyred siblings John and Robert for much of his life (and with the ghost of his brother Joseph who was killed in WWII – Teddy was the only one of the four brothers to die of natural causes), Teddy Kennedy was a highly influential figure in US politics for decades.

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