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Busker Boy makes 70 quid an hour

Money for Busking

Fantastic clip on the Beeb’s website today of 13-year old Calvin Prior, who is minting it in as a busker, playing his electric guitar on Brighton’s seafront…and making an average of £70 an hour.

And when you see the video, you can see why!

Cal’s dad (who plays in his band because Cal can’t find other musicians of his age who can play well enough) says he practices about 6 hours a day…and he mastered a number of popular riffs (including the eponymous GnR classic ‘Sweet child o mine‘) in the first few weeks of playing!

Cal is currently saving for a a new £1100 Marshall amp, which he hopes to have saved enough for, by August. His £2000 guitar has already been paid for, from previous busking.

Cal even receives the ultimate compliment in the vid (at least in British terms)…two kids busy eating ice cream pause long enough to say:

…”yeah, he’s good”

Way to go Cal! cool

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4 Comments for: Busker Boy makes 70 quid an hour

  1. Visitor Comment # 1
    Terry Norbury : (Visitor)

    This kid rocks! Nice blog by the way

  2. Visitor Comment # 2


  3. Visitor Comment # 3
    Grant MacDonald : (Visitor)

    Saw him there the same day as the TV was there. He was excellent

  4. Visitor Comment # 4
    Jerry Garcia : (Visitor)

    Wow! A REAL guitar hero!

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