Written in the wake of this week’s visit by the evil bastard…
You started out with buying off Republican selection,
you had your cousin rig the votes in Florida’s election,
your daddy talked to his old pals, Donald, Ken and Dick,
and they agreed to help you give democracy a kick.
On your Inauguration Day your motorcade ran flat,
as hundreds of your countrymen rose and turned their backs,
your secret service driver put his foot down to the floor,
to drive you past the flying eggs, the shouts of “shame!” and more.
You loaded up the White House with all your daddy’s cronies,
along with failed businessmen, sycophants and phonies,
you waited out the recount and the Al Gore situation,
then you headed down to Texas for a 6-month long vacation.
When 9/11 happened you were visiting a school,
in a PR exercise designed, to show you weren’t a fool,
your puppet masters realised that the time had come,
to bury news and settle scores…and do it all in one!
When it emerged your Saudi friends might be the ones to blame,
you rounded up their relatives and got their asses on a plane,
despite the FAA blockade and FBI protests,
that plane left US airspace…at the Saudi King’s behest.
To divert the public gaze away from Enron and the Saudi’s,
you started making speeches about Muslims gettin’ rowdy,
your cronies then began by formulating a new plan,
and in the meantime you sent token troops, to Afghanistan…
Your next step was to kick the US media into line,
and make sure no dissenting voice got a minute of air-time,
the US constitution was the next to be attacked,
by sweeping civil rights away, with the Patriot act…
Like Hitler, you had finally consolidated power,
so then the propaganda runs, hour after hour,
in churches in the Midwest, they preach both light and dark,
so you can redirect their wrath, at Saddam in Iraq…
Your speeches started taking on a new note that was chilling,
as you vainly tried to form a coalition of the willing,
with bribes and threats and blackmail, you threw your weight around,
but the UN didn’t back you, so you retreated to safe ground…
You got the Aussies and the Brits to join you in your war,
by promising them a tonne of cash and oil rights galore,
you bullied tiny countries into joining on your side,
to bolster up your numbers, in an attempt to turn the tide…
But still the UN said: “No way! it’s evidence we need”,
and so you started bullshitting with WMD,
you hadn’t caught Bin Laden and with your public getting sore,
you cried: “Screw the UN” and you sent your troops to war.
In the months (and years) that followed, we all watched in growing dread,
as your war tore Iraq clean in half, leaving half a million dead,
who were mostly just civilians and for every one that’s died,
you made survivors sympathetic to the other side.
Now terrorism is growing at a geometric rate,
as the Islam fundamentalists preach revenge and hate,
so rather than protect the world with your illegal war,
you’ve made us all more vulnerable than we ever were before.
And even though your home support is fully off the boil,
your engineers remain in force there, sucking up the oil,
and Haliburton’s execs grow rich on stolen gains,
while Iraqis and US troops alike, suffer further death and pain.
Your entire White House history brought the Presidency to shame,
and the US voting public must also share the blame,
for returning you to office, on the weakest sales pitch,
of detention in Guantanamo and tax breaks for the rich.
They killed Old Abe and JFK, they simply shot them down,
while a truly awful “chief” like you remains above the ground,
to continue with your global greed, a killer and a thief,
that fact that your still breathing is quite beyond belief.
But now your Lone Star’s on the wane, your end days drawing near,
and the US public’s finally sick of endless death and fear,
new Saudi contracts now set up, to trade more oil for arms,
leaves you free to figure out the next way to do harm.
Your days are truly numbered, as are Dick’s and Donny’s,
now they’ve stolen billions, (and still they’re making money!)
so count your swag, then pack your bags and stack them on the floor,
then f*ck off back to Texas, and on your way out close the door!

Got it in one. Roll on November!
Good one! Encompassed all our feelings about Bush.