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June 2008
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Rant: Planning Palarva

Anti-Incinerator. Photo: P.Mckenzie, Bandanna Club

Last night the Government hammered home the final nails in the coffin of the Planning application process, to ensure that the public no longer had any grounds for objection.

And in their usual chicken-shit style, they have also fobbed off responsibility for the unpopular decisions to an unelected quango, in a vain attempt to shield themselves from a voter backlash next election.

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Bye Bush (a poem)

Truer words...

Written in the wake of this week’s visit by the evil bastard

You started out with buying off Republican selection,
you had your cousin rig the votes in Florida’s election,
your daddy talked to his old pals, Donald, Ken and Dick,
and they agreed to help you give democracy a kick.

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Beale Park – Worth a stroll

The Wild Horse of the Valkyrie. Photo: Bandanna Club

It was a gorgeous sunny day, our options were working in the garden or a day trip somewhere interesting … there was no contest. smile

I suggested the Child-Beale Trust. I hadn’t been there in years and Phil had never been. The Thames valley and surrounding area is particularly picturesque, so it seemed like a good idea.

Beale Park was formed by Gilbert Beale in 1956 who decided to donate this beautiful 350-acre park to ‘the people’ by converting it from private farmland into a non-profit making, charitable trust. More information about the history of the park is available on the Beale Park website.

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Farewell Liberty – It was nice knowing you

Gordon Brown

No real surprise that last night the government managed to push it’s new anti-terror legislation through Parliament, albeit with the narrowest of margins.

Despite the fact that this bill is likely to be killed before it reaches the statute books (either in the house of Lords unless the government invokes the parliament act, or in the EU human rights commission, which the government can’t influence too much), I can’t help but wonder what the hell the Whitehall worms are thinking.

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