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Polling Day

Polling Day

Today is local elections polling day throughout the UK.

Traditionally, this is a day where some 70% of us can’t be arsed getting down to our local polling stations to vote.

As someone who makes a point of voting in local, national and European MEP elections, it does strike me as odd that more people don’t turn out for local elections. Even euro elections get a bigger turnout. And yet the local Councillors that are elected in today’s polls certainly have more of a direct effect on our everyday lives than either our MP’s or our MEP’s.

If I was only allowed to vote in ONE election, then the local elections would be my first choice without question; not only are they more relevant to me but of all the elections they are also the least partisan election in terms of party affiliations.

So c’mon folks – it’s a beautiful day. Take a walk to your polling station after dinner. Do your duty and vote – and then stop off at a pub for a well-deserved pint!

You’ll feel better…trust me!

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