Tag ArchivesFor the word: water
A dream come true
Excellent story in yesterday’s Metro – a kiwi bloke with a great set of mates got the surprise of his life…when he returned home and discovered that in his absence, his mates had plumbed his house, replacing the water supply…with beer!
A 7-minute YouTube video posted by “LittleJohnnyNZ” is what I call a practical joke
Kegs of the amber nectar were rolled into position under the house and plumbed into all the water taps. The network even including a cooling system to keep the pints at the perfect temperature. The pranksters also placed a series of hidden cameras throughout the house, which they connected to a series of monitors they had set up in the garage.
The stunned look on the victim’s face when he dons overalls and looks under the house is priceless. When he returns to the front of his house, he’s met by his cheering pals out front. In true kiwi style, the victim simply said:
“Party at mine boys”

Rant: Water Water Everywhere…

Over the last month, water companies across the south have been imposing hosepipe bans (and taking the opportunity to increase tariffs and press the Environment Agency, to approve compulsory water meter installation).
While it is certainly true that the last 9 months has been an unusually dry period and this, combined with a significant level of consumer waste has made a bad situation worse, the root cause of the problem is undeniably years of underinvestment in the water infrastructure.