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Last of the Liberal Lions

Teddy Kennedy (Jan 2009)

News today that the last of the Kennedy brothers, Teddy Kennedy has died after a long battle with a brain tumour.

Despite living in the shadows of his more famous martyred siblings John and Robert for much of his life (and with the ghost of his brother Joseph who was killed in WWII – Teddy was the only one of the four brothers to die of natural causes), Teddy Kennedy was a highly influential figure in US politics for decades.

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Ryanair safety card

Ryanair Plane.

I recently read that Ryanair is considering the idea of charging passengers to use the toilet, on Ryanair flights.

What I want to know is…what exactly are they going to do if someone needs to use the bog and can’t or won’t pay? I don’t imagine that passengers will be very pleased when some hapless victim of this ludicrous policy is forced to relieve themselves on their own seat.

And I bet they don’t mention THAT in their ads. smile)

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Hope and Unity defeat Despair

Wreaths laid in memory of the murders, Dromore War Memorial

The recent news of the murder of a policeman and two soldiers in Northern Ireland in quick succession by rogue elements of the IRA was a worrying story, reminding us all of the bad old days of the troubles which we all thought had finally been resolved with the truce a little over 10 years ago.

But those responsible for these unprovoked attacks must have been a bit surprised with the results.

First off was the universal condemnation of their actions from all parts of the political spectrum, including Sinn Fein who went as far as urging anyone with information to contact the police; a previously unprecedented move, in view of the history of collusion between elements of the now defunct RUC and Loyalist Paramilitaries.

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