Tag ArchivesFor the word: hypocrisy
Rant: Pharmacology’s True Colours
An article on the Beeb’s website entitled: Life: A medical condition has addressed the growing trend of psychoanalysts wanting to categorize all aspects of human behaviour as some form of abnormality.
New “disorders” (which in that annoyingly American style always seem to have a 3-letter acronym) are being “identified” on a daily basis by the psychobabble brigade, all of whom are keen to make their mark in the American Psychiatric Association ‘bible’ and then reap the material rewards from the book deals, lecture circuit tours, overpriced consulting and other pseudo-academic bollocks that invariably follows.

Rant: Religious Sensibilities gone Mad
![Methylated Spiritualism. Photos: Clouds by juanluis (pixabay). Robes by brownpau [CC BY 2.0] (flickr). Beer bottle by Nemo (pixbay). Phil head photo & Composition by S.Lawrence, Bandanna Club. Methylated Spiritualism](/images/Blog/methylatedspiritualist.jpg)
After the fiasco in Sudan where a teacher has been jailed for 15 days for calling a class teddy bear “Muhammad”, I’ve decided to jump on the bandwagon too…by starting a new worldwide religion (after all, if L.Ron Hubbard can do it then so can I).
This new religion (which I shall call “Methylated Spiritualism”) will consider the following social groups, items and practices as sacrilegious:-