Tag ArchivesFor the word: cuba
Fidel Castro: Iconic Revolutionary; Island Tyrant
Tagged: batista, bay of pigs, cold war, communist, controversy, cuba, fidel catsro, history, iconic, Kennedy, missle crisis, regime, revolution
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Rant: Guantanamo Bay – (way past) time to close it!
Here in the UK, at least one senior minister (Peter Hain) has also called for the camp to be closed and has intimated that Downing street is – at the very least – uncomfortable with what is happening in Guantanamo.
For the rest of the thinking population throughout the supposed “free world” Guantanamo has come to symbolise the worst hypocrisy of the current US administration.

Tagged: cuba, george bush, guantanamo bay, hypocrites, politcal, prisoners, usa, war criminal
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