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Election with Selection

Phil Goff
John Key

Well, the general election is over.

It was pretty much like elections everywhere; largely a duel of wits between unarmed opponents. No answers, but lots of different names for the problems.

I therefore present a New Zealand political addendum to the fully encompassing “Religions of the world

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All Blacks Take the Cup


For the second time in 24 years, New Zealand are the RWC champions, after a nail-biting final against France at Eden Park this evening.

Well done ABs! France is never a pushover and has a history of upsets. They’ve also been RWC silver-medal winners 3 times, so it’s a mistake to underestimate them.

Fortunately, the ABs didn’t make the mistake of complacency but it was still a damn close-run thing. Still, victory is victory and for the next 4 years at least, the cup is back where it belongs!

lol2 lol3

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Happy Birthday Brother

I miss you cry

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Walking with Dinosaurs

Walking with Dinosaurs

Decided to take a short break away to Auckland to see the much-publicized Walking with Dinosaurs show at the Vector Arena.

After checking in to the nearby Barry Court motel (handy to the arena and great harbour views) and having a bit of a stroll around, it was time to join a steady stream of people with tickets in their hands and kids in tow.

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Flip Grater days

Flip Grater

Photo Credit: Justus Nussbaum (Own work) (CC-BY-SA-3.0), via Wikimedia Commons

Last winter, I wrote a review of Flip Grater’s latest album of the time, called: While I’m awake I’m at war.

It was a fairly dark and stormy night, all electric flashes and distant rumbles. I had a good fire going, a whiskey in my hand and my feet up in a comfortable chair, listening to a few of the album tracks, while the rain fell in squalls on the tin roof. It was bliss! … more »

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Rant:History Repeating

Politician Polling

Last night I had a dream.

More of a nightmare really; I dreamed that I answered my front door, only to find a bloke wearing a fake tan, a blue rosette and a plastic surgery smile that wouldn’t look out of place on an American home shopping ad, standing on my front porch.

Being the suave urbane sophisticate that I am, I should have asked the canvasser if he liked sex and travel (“then f*ck off!”). But the subconscious being what it is, I was forced to endure a 10-minute national party infomercial, starring John Key, along with an assorted supporting cast of the usual players, Muppets one and all.

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Two good men pass

Gerry Rafferty at National Stadium
Pete Postlethwaite at Make Poverty History March

Not a great start to the new year. First the news of Pete Postlethwaite, then the news today of the passing of Gerry Rafferty earlier today.

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