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The diaTribe blog is our occasional take on life, the universe and everything. Observations on current affairs, the environment, politics, humour and music/gig reviews. Travel diary and extreme sports stories, along with the usual rants/raves are also chucked in for good measure.

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If they have their way all your web browsing history will be collected and sold to the highest bidder.

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Technology at it's most pointless

Words of wisdom

Snowy Owl

Just lately, I’ve stumbled across some great quotes and I thought it was worth jotting a few of them down here (my memory is not what it used to be rolleyes)

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Emily Barker Bliss

Emily Barker Bliss

Another winter is passing and on a dark and stormy night, we built a fire, poured a healthy measure of a decent fiery spirit and settled down to watch Kenneth Branagh in the first two series of Wallander.

While I found the series itself interesting and entertaining, by the time I had watched just a couple of episodes, I was much more intrigued by the theme tune; a haunting folk arrangement which even reduced to only a few bars for the opening credits, made every hair on the back of my neck stand up straight.

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Rant: Weasel Wording Down Under


And they wonder why we are all so cynical about politics… rolleyes

Heather English is a retired school teacher now living in Invercargill. She has been an avid amateur genealogy researcher for about 35 years.

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Olympics British Style


In view of the ongoing heavy rains in the UK, representatives of the British government and the London Mayor’s office have met with the emergency committee of the IOC to propose a number of 11th-hour changes to the upcoming London Olympic programme.

London’s Mayor Boris Johnson has announced that all Olympic staff will be undergoing SCUBA lessons this week and his office are currently in the process of buying up wetsuits, fins, masks and snorkels from every dive shop in and around the Red Sea. Supplies of diving equipment in the UK have already been appropriated and set aside for use by visiting dignitaries, due to their virtually-unused and near-new state. … more »

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Busy six months

Queen Elizabeth in Sydney Harbour

It’s been a busy six months since, I last bunged an entry in the blog.

I managed to not get washed away in the very wet summer, which included a trip to Sydney back in March, where it was mostly just as wet as it was in NZ rolleyes. Still, it was good to catch up with some pals, have a few beers and laugh at some of the most bizarrely-dressed participants of the annual Sydney Mardi Gras, which – unknowningly – fell smack in the middle of visiting.

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T-Shirt Chuckles

Bad Idea T-Shirts  (opens in new browser)

One of several at Bad Idea T-Shirts.

Cheered me up no end. biggrin

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RIP: Harry Morgan

Harry Morgan

Sad news today about the passing of actor Harry Morgan.

Like actors such as Denholm Elliot and Brian Dennehy, Morgan never seemed to land that elusive starring role, but that didn’t matter. His talents as a character actor were always impressive and he often stole the limelight.

I remember Harry Morgan best from shows such as Dragnet and made-for-tv movies such as Support your local sheriff.

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