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The diaTribe blog is our occasional take on life, the universe and everything. Observations on current affairs, the environment, politics, humour and music/gig reviews. Travel diary and extreme sports stories, along with the usual rants/raves are also chucked in for good measure.

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If they have their way all your web browsing history will be collected and sold to the highest bidder.

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Technology at it's most pointless

Work! Work! Work!

Work Time

Jeez! The old saying about it never rains, it pours is true. Just lately, there seems to be so much that needs to be doing and proportionally little time to do it all in.

Which was why it was incredibly good to catch up with Andy, Tri and the boys for the first time in many months. Looking at their calendar, it seems that they are even busier than we are. Dunno where they find the energy…

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Last of the Liberal Lions

Teddy Kennedy (Jan 2009)

News today that the last of the Kennedy brothers, Teddy Kennedy has died after a long battle with a brain tumour.

Despite living in the shadows of his more famous martyred siblings John and Robert for much of his life (and with the ghost of his brother Joseph who was killed in WWII – Teddy was the only one of the four brothers to die of natural causes), Teddy Kennedy was a highly influential figure in US politics for decades.

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England win ashes

BBC video of the moment
Yay! yawn

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Recession solved by my bad investments

Wall Street

There’s been a spate of stories in the press recently, where various industry pundits are heralding the end of the recession.

In true pundit style, the sources are covering their arses by throwing in the “but let’s not get overconfident just yet” caveats, but the gist of it all, is that things are less crap than they were not so long ago.

And I reckon that’s at least partly because of me.

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Live Jive 2009

Live Jive 2009 (Kev & Carries BBQ)

It was great to receive an invitation to Kev and Carrie’s annual BBQ at their farm cottage just outside Basingstoke.

Last year’s gig was unfortunately cancelled for various reasons and when I heard it was back on this year, I was chuffed.

By the time I arrived around 2pm there were already a dozen or more tents pitched in the back yard and FuZeD were just tuning up and by the time I had popped the top of a cold beer and greeted a few pals, they were off and rockin!

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Back in the NPIA

Bramshill House at Sunset. Photo: Bandanna Club

Well – it’s offical. I’m back at the NPIA again…and it look’s like I’ll be with them for a little while…

As always, I had to hit the ground running and already I’m looking at some tight deadlines for a couple of key website launches. Still, it’s nice to be back at the old familiar places and see the old familiar faces.

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Hyde Park 2009

Big TV - Hyde Park 2009.  Photo: P.Mckenzie, Bandanna Club

The annual Hard Rock Callin’ gig in Hyde Park is always a good one and this year featured two classic headliners; Neil Young on the Saturday and Bruce Springsteen and the E-Street band on the Sunday.

Unfortunately, this year tickets were snapped up at an unbelievable rate; so fast in fact that all I could manage to get hold of was a one-day pass for the Saturday. Disappointing, but certainly better than no ticket at all.

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