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Parting Glass

This is what I want played at my funeral…

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2 Comments for: Parting Glass

  1. Visitor Comment # 1
    Keiran : (Visitor)

    All the money that e’er I had
    I spent it in good company
    And all the harm I’ve ever done
    Alas, it was to none but me
    And all I’ve done for want of wit
    To memory now, I can’t recall
    So fill to me the parting glass
    Goodnight and joy be to you all!

    Fill to me the parting glass
    And drink a health whate’er befalls
    Then gently rise and softly call
    Goodnight and joy be to you all!

    Of all the comrades that e’er I had
    They’re sorry for my going away
    And all the sweethearts that e’er I had
    They’d wish me one more day to stay
    Since it fell into my lot
    That I should rise, and you should not
    I’ll gently rise and softly call
    Goodnight and joy be to you all!

    But since it fell into my lot
    That I should rise and you should not
    I’ll gently rise and softly call
    Goodnight and joy be to you all!

  2. Author Comment # 2

    Cheers for the Lyrics Keiran.

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