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Walking with Dinosaurs

Walking with Dinosaurs

Decided to take a short break away to Auckland to see the much-publicized Walking with Dinosaurs show at the Vector Arena.

After checking in to the nearby Barry Court motel (handy to the arena and great harbour views) and having a bit of a stroll around, it was time to join a steady stream of people with tickets in their hands and kids in tow.

As with all these sort of gigs, everything was ridiculously expensive, but it kept the masses busy whilst slipping into the cheap seats in the Gods. The Vector Arena definitely won the daily “define irony” award…for selling hundreds of hand-held LED-covered windmill toys to kids on the way into the arena…and then announcing over the tannoy that for the comfort of all patrons, flash photography is strictly forbidden! rolleyes

Walking with Dinosaurs

The show itself was excellent. Incredibly well done and a real delight to watch. Some excellent lighting effects and clever use of stage props captured the audiences’ imagination in the first few minutes, captivating them with the story of another age and world.

It was a great evening rounded off with a light supper at IMA Bistro – the Lebanese Lamb Shoulder and Middle Eastern dessert platter are both recommended smile

All in all – a pretty good day.

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