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Second Sense Ringing

The Second Sense at the Crown & Badger, Tauranga, NZ

A few weeks back, I caught up with an old school pal of mine for a whiskey and a brief trip down amnesia avenue.

In the course of our 20+ year news catch-up, he mentioned that he played bass in a rock covers band called The Second Sense and suggested I come along to a gig.

After a couple of false starts and last-minute drop-outs, I finally managed to get along to the Crown and Badger last night, to check them out.

Second Sense is a 4-piece, comprising Reid (lead vocals, rhythm guitar), Trevor (lead guitar and backing vocals), Shane (Bass player and Blackwatch tartan kilt wearer) and Jed (drummer). They play a good range of classic rock covers and play them well. Last night”s set included a number of my old favourites including the Doobie”s Long Train Running, Pink Floyd”s Another Brick in the Wall and Run Like Hell, Acka Dacka”s Highway to Hell and Dragon”s Rain. They even chucked in a good cover of Men at Work”s Be good Johnny as an early bonus. Excellent!

The ladz have a regular circuit, that covers a fair chunk of the Bay of Plenty and Thames playing gigs in Tauranga, Rotorua, Hamilton, Cambridge, Matamata, Whitianga and the Coromandel.

Check em out for yourself when you are in the neighbourhood.lol2 lol3

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3 Comments for: Second Sense Ringing

  1. Author Comment # 1

    Apologies for the sound quality of this clip. The place was packed and the only spot to get footage from was behind the speakers. Anti-node city! :-(

  2. Visitor Comment # 2

    Looks like a fun gig anyway. Like the band!

  3. Author Comment # 3

    They played a pretty damn good gig. It was a shame that the Tauranga crowd just don’t seem to get it. Must get to one of their gigs in Rotorua…

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