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Technology at it's most pointless

The dark art of Navigation Manager

Hi! I'm your Red Dot Rep for Today

In a slight departure from our normal style and content, and especially for my fellow RedDot CMS sufferers, I modestly offer my first white paper, submitted to Markus Giesen’s Unofficial RedDot CMS blog.

Markus has turned it into a proper article and made it available to download as well. Hope you find it useful…

To our non-technical audience, I submit my most profound apologies. There’s nothing more annoying than too much techie talk in a blog that is not especially targeted at the techies in question. It starts with a little bit of techie stuff and before you know it the content has all suddenly changed to reference Star Wars, Dr.Who and other such Sci-Fi bollocks. Well that is not going to happen here!

We will all just have to agree that the only Sci-Fi series worth a damn was Firefly and be done with it! wink

Now that we’ve settled that and in order to keep you amused, I have enclosed a link to a cool little website below, which lets you write on Einstein’s blackboard…and save the image.

Doodle on Einstein's blackboard - opens in new window

Albert sure took a great photo (and weirdly my Landlord looks just like him!).

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2 Comments for: The dark art of Navigation Manager

  1. Visitor Comment # 1
    Kelly Brown : (Visitor)

    Hi. A very nice post. I have been wondering about this issue, so thanks for posting this.

  2. Visitor Comment # 2
    Jane Radriges : (Visitor)

    The article is very good. Please write more

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