Monthly Archives: February 2009
News Flash: National symbol now a condom
Not much more to add to this, except that as the current economic crisis is global, this probably applies just about anywhere.

Jade Who?
One of Mitch Benns’ better numbers…
No offense love, but why are you still here? Why are we still seeing you on the news?
Why are you still turning up on the TV, with gormless journos asking for your views?
When you don’t dance you don’t sing, you don’t do a bloody thing
there’s no telling where your talent might begin
but still your mug appears, god knows how many years
after that stupid bloody show you didn’t win
No offense love, but what’s it all about, tell me just how long do you expect…
to drag this spurious situation out, please bugger off and get some self respect!

Bonuses for Bankers? Bollocks!
Despite the fact that their selfishness and greed has dropped us all into the worst financial crisis for decades, RBS, Northern Rock and HBOS bankers are still planning to pay themselves bonuses!.

Snow and Chaos

Last night’s heavy snowfall (at least by British standards) has predictably caused the usual commuter chaos today.
Large sections of the rail network have shutdown completely, London buses, trains and even the tube have largely ground to a halt and the roads are, by all accounts jam-packed.
And all for less than 6 inches of snow.
Why is that?