I’ve been thinking about buying a collapsible guitar that is suitable for stuffing in a large suitcase for some time now. After looking at what was available and chatting with a few enthusiasts of various models, I settled on the Yamaha SLG100S.
Collapsible guitars are suprisingly hard to get hold of; I looked at buying one from an online retailer, but couldn’t find a supplier that either a) was based outside the UK but willing to deliver to a UK address or b) was based in the UK, had one in stock, with a decent reputation and was able to deliver one in a reasonable time frame.
Geez! You’d think that in the so-called credit crunch, these guys would be falling all over themselves to supply what is effectively a luxury (and not inexpensive) item.
Today, on an impulse, I popped into my local music shop and got chatting with a very knowledgeable sales guy who got on the line directly to Yamaha. After haggling out a deal, which included a competitive price and a promise of delivery within 10 days, I finally ordered one.
Anyway, here’s a quick YouTube clip about it. Enjoy!

I might have stuck to the guitar lessons if I could have stuffed the thing into a locker at the end of the day.
Well jeez, if that’s all it took to stop you getting lessons, you can’t have liked it much. Still it is a cool idea.