Daily Archives: November 30, 2007
Rant: Religious Sensibilities gone Mad
![Methylated Spiritualism. Photos: Clouds by juanluis (pixabay). Robes by brownpau [CC BY 2.0] (flickr). Beer bottle by Nemo (pixbay). Phil head photo & Composition by S.Lawrence, Bandanna Club. Methylated Spiritualism](/images/Blog/methylatedspiritualist.jpg)
After the fiasco in Sudan where a teacher has been jailed for 15 days for calling a class teddy bear “Muhammad”, I’ve decided to jump on the bandwagon too…by starting a new worldwide religion (after all, if L.Ron Hubbard can do it then so can I).
This new religion (which I shall call “Methylated Spiritualism”) will consider the following social groups, items and practices as sacrilegious:-