‘Dubya’ Bush and his 10-gallon hat brigade continue to avoid entering into serious discussions with any of the other G8 nations to agree to take action on climate change – despite the US being the single biggest source of carbon emissions in the world!
Instead, the perpetually smirking bastard believes that the issues of climate change and global warnings are best dealt with, by using what he calls “New Technologies”.
But exactly WHAT new technologies is he referring to?
The internal combustion engine is 50-year old technology, which – despite a long history of refinements – is still outmoded and outdated.
Over the years, we have all heard the rumours / urban myths about the development of alternate engine technologies based on everything from the combustion of hydrogen to the desalination of a gallon of seawater. Almost all of these tales end with a couple of the Men In Black, armed with a large chequebook buying the designs and then locking them in a big vault, somewhere deep in the bowels of Oil Burning Bastards Inc.
Maybe Ol’ George knows something the rest of us don’t? (wouldn’t THAT be a first!) – but I suspect it is more likely that the “Texas Twat” is just gonna bury his fat head in the sand as long as possible…