Daily Archives: August 19, 2005
Rant: African Dictatorship for Dummies
(An excerpt from Robert Mugabe’s autobiography “My boyfriend’s back and there’s going to be trouble…”)
Are you having trouble with your peasant population? Are they starting to grumble about not having all the expected luxuries like enough food, decent housing and clean water?

R.I.P Mo
Mo Mowlam’s death today is a loss on quite a few fronts.
It’s a big loss to the irreverent, no-bullshit, we-DON’T-kiss-Bliars-arse faction within the Labour party (only Tony Benn now remains from that group!)
It’s also a loss to female Winston Churchill impersonators.
Most importantly, it’s a loss of a key figure in the Good Friday agreements, which eventually led to the recent unprecedented disarming and cessation of sectarian violence in Northern Ireland.
Rest in Peace Mo – You earned it and you will be missed!