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Trident Followup

HMS Vanguard. Photo:MOD - OGLicence

Well – yesterday’s vote on Trident went as expected, despite rebellion from 95 Labour MP’s.

The labour rebels can at least hold their heads high this morning. Even a political cynic like me (who always assumes that there is a fair degree of self-interest involved when MP’s rebel against the party line like this), can see that on this issue these men and women voted their conscience. Many thanks and well done.

Conversely, the Tory party support of the Government’s weak position clearly shows that all Cameron’s modernist rhetoric is just that – bullshit rhetoric. The Tories haven’t changed one bit since they were last in power. They are largely still the same bunch of fat gits in nasty pinstripe suits. And given their previous record in power all we could ever expect from them would be a long list of Quangos, several perjury trials, a couple of sex scandals and a huge amount of personal nest feathering (probably with a cones hotline for good measure).

No wonder voter turnout is so bloody low…

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Rant: Trident (What a bloody waste!)

Trident Photo:MOD OGL Licence

OK – just give me a moment to get this straight…

  1. The Cold War is now over and we’re on reasonable terms with the Russians and most of their eastern bloc colleagues. What’s more we have been for over a DECADE and the odds of previous hostilities resuming are longer than the odds of winning any state lottery (even ours!).
  2. Unilateral disarmament speeches (including from the current Labour cabinet and our “Prime Minister” himself) are a regular feature in the long-running farce that is UK politics for well over TWO decades.
  3. … more »

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