Tag ArchivesFor the word: temple st
Hong Kong 2009 (Part 2)
Another day comes to an end.
Hong Kong 2009 Photos now available.
Last night’s visit to the Temple St Night Market was a good one. After leaving the Pacific Coffee House, I wandered down to the Market’s edge and found a good seat at my favourite roadside restaurant. The place doesn’t look like much and the cheap plastic tables and stools don’t necessarily get your taste buds into overtime, but the owners cook the best sliced beef and vegetable satay, this side of the Pacific.
I sat in the warm humid afterglow of the afternoon, happily munching on this spicy dish and washing it down with a large chilled bottle of the local Tsing Tsao beer, watching life go by and the stall owners finish setting up for the evening. An hour later I was strolling through the markets, haggling for all I was worth with the stallholders and having a great time into the bargain (no pun intended).
At the end of Temple St, I watched the many fortune tellers plying their trade and as always, it was interesting to see the range of clientele; from wizened little old Haklo boat ladies to young business executives in their tailor-made silk suits, everyone wanted to know what the future held in store for them. Just around the bend is a place I affectionately refer to as: Karaoke corner/