Tag ArchivesFor the word: stupid
Rant: Selfish greedy bastards!
‘Dubya’ Bush and his 10-gallon hat brigade continue to avoid entering into serious discussions with any of the other G8 nations to agree to take action on climate change – despite the US being the single biggest source of carbon emissions in the world!
Instead, the perpetually smirking bastard believes that the issues of climate change and global warnings are best dealt with, by using what he calls “New Technologies”.

Rant: Dumb and Dubya
Dubya’s state of the union address this year was pretty much as expected and enough to make most of us roll our eyes skyward at least once…
His description of a country that “is being held hostage by a small elite that is isolating and repressing it’s people” seemed at last like an admission of the failings of his administration…until we realised he was talking about Iran. I’m no advocate of Iran as a nuclear power, but after the whole Iraq fiasco, it must be clear to the governments of other middle eastern countries that the best way to avoid a US-led invasion is to point a couple of warheads down the most likely invasion route!