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The diaTribe blog is our occasional take on life, the universe and everything. Observations on current affairs, the environment, politics, humour and music/gig reviews. Travel diary and extreme sports stories, along with the usual rants/raves are also chucked in for good measure.

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US Election: a ray of hope

Barack Obama & Michelle after inaugural address 2009

The US election results announced today are a significant milestone in many respects.

Beyond the obvious landmarks such as Barrack Obama’s ethnic background and the strong shift in voting trends from Republican to Democrat, today’s events herald a resurgence in many of the fundamental ideals and beliefs that the US has purported for many years, but has failed to live up to. Concepts such as freedom and liberty have throughout most of the post-war years been subverted by a series of administrations for the purposes of US hegemony, to the detriment of people the world over.

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Well here it is…the Bandanna Club’s first blog! I’m not sure how this is going to work, so bear with me as I will undoubtedly digress into a few irrelevant tangents.

Before we get going, I suppose an introduction is in order…

Welcome to the Bandanna Club communal blog!

You can call me HKP (short for: Hong Kong Phooey) and for the moment, it looks like I’m editor by default. HKP is my nickname within our Sealed Knot regiment,Sir Marmaduke Rawdon’s Regiment of Foote. Don’t worry…all will undoubtedly become clear in time…

Anyway, this blog is our take on the great illusion that is commonly referred to as life. We will try and keep it interesting, but you will of course be the ultimate judge of that.

Righto – that will probably do as an intro, so let’s move on…

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