Tag ArchivesFor the word: computer
Rant: Assassins Freed

A couple of years ago, I was browsing around my local branch of JB Hi-Fi and in the discount bin, I came across a cut-price copy of the original Assassins Creed.
It proved to be a reasonably entertaining game, with an intriguing storyline; the chief protaganist, Desmond Miles is kidnapped by members of a sinister organisation called Abstergo, a corporate front for the Knights Templar. Desmond’s captors explain that human DNA is actually a complex set of ancestral memories, which can be viewed by placing the subject in a device called an Animus. The Animus allows a subject to “re-live” the memories of his/her ancestor(s) in a sort of Virtual Reality environment and in doing so, “unlock” memories which are then recorded by the Animus. It’s a sort of Medieval-Arabic-Ninja-meets-The-Matrix

Back to work – Rules for Contractors
I’ve been up to London today to see about some work with an old and valued client (that will make ‘em laugh, back in the trenches!) and left London with me fingers crossed…
Also had a couple of calls for other contracts in my line of work; one in Helsinki and the other in London. Both interesting roles, but carrying a significantly higher inconvenience factor (iFactor). You know the story…more time, cost and effort getting to and from the jobs. … more »