Tag ArchivesFor the word: comic
Rave: XKCD Comics
Recently, we were given a board-game version of the World of Warcraft. It looked interesting and we decided to give it a go over the Christmas break.
Jaysus! It took us almost 2 hours to set the damn thing up and an hour or so later, I was mightily relieved to be eliminated from the game as my last hero bit the dust. I’m the first to admit that I’m hardly Mr Patient and the game is obviously complex, which means that it takes a while to get used to, but even so…

R.I.P Ronnie

Sad news this week about the passing of Ronnie Barker, who was a much loved figure in millions of homes all over the world.
As a kid growing up in the 70′s I remember “The Two Ronnies“, “Porridge” and “Open all hours” as particular favourites, but there were of course many others; the one thing you could be certain of, is if Ronnie B was on the screen, you would have a laugh!
Ronnie was also the first to recognise the talents of David Jason and Nicholas Lyndhurst and it could be said that he helped plant and nurture the seeds that would grow into the much-loved Peckham partnership of Del-boy and Rodney. He was also a prolific writer, an excellent actor and from all accounts a very nice bloke to boot!
So long Ronnie and thanks for the memories!