Tag ArchivesFor the word: cartoon
Rave: XKCD Comics
Recently, we were given a board-game version of the World of Warcraft. It looked interesting and we decided to give it a go over the Christmas break.
Jaysus! It took us almost 2 hours to set the damn thing up and an hour or so later, I was mightily relieved to be eliminated from the game as my last hero bit the dust. I’m the first to admit that I’m hardly Mr Patient and the game is obviously complex, which means that it takes a while to get used to, but even so…

My South Park Character
Courtesy of one of my work colleagues at UCB-Celltech in Slough, is my very own South Park Character (the whole team has one).
It’s been reworked with Su’s help (she thinks that I’ve downplayed the grumpiness element of my character, but it’s my character and I can have what I want! )