Tag ArchivesFor the word: cancer
Life-changing moments
It’s been an eventful week here…a week that has seen an emotional rollar-coaster ride of worry and relief, of sleepless nights and stress for all of us…
It’s all been related to a nasty health scare that one of our number found themselves subjected to…put simply, the words of a certain Mr. McGraw:-
“I spent most of the next days, looking at the x-rays, talking ’bout the options and talking ’bout sweet time.”
…were certainly ringing in my ears.

Stem Cell Therapy Advances
An interesting article on the BBC website describes how the world’s first pure nerve stem cells – made from human embryonic stem cells – have been created by scientists at the Universities of Edinburgh and Milan.
The more I learn about this technology, the more excited I become with it’s potential for the treatment of a myriad of diseases and (long term) even the cure for a range of cancers and HIV – provided that proper screening is undertaken to prevent the risk of infecting patients with viruses and prion diseases, such as vCJD.